




AyurGyan Nyas

Ayurgyan Nyas (AGN) is a not-for-profit trust, established in 2014 and is dedicated to promoting the holistic development of individuals. We believe that education can and should foster values and competencies that together make up a human being. AGN aims to achieve this goal by Universal Ethics Education (UEE) programme - an educational approach for the 21st century, directed towards building foundations for social-emotional competencies and ethical values in individuals for the collective well-being.

The UEE programme draws from the pioneering work done on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), while adding components of ethics and basic human values that guides individuals to be prosocial members of the community. It fosters the capacity to develop positive perspective and to prepare them for the challenges of the ‘modern world’. We recognise the critical role of Social Emotional and Ethical Learning in nurturing resilient and compassionate individuals embedded with courage, self-awareness and a sense of universal responsibility.

Universal Ethics Education

In today’s rapidly evolving complex world, we require the right tools to respond resourcefully to the persistent challenges of the 21st century. UEE programmes educates individuals to enhance their social, emotional and ethical skills to manage stressful situations, maintain healthy interpersonal relationships and make responsible decisions. The SEL component and approaches of UEE equips individuals with skills, attitudes and ethos that are crucial to sustain mental health wellbeing of an individual. It is an effective approach essential to provide motivational fuel to positive behaviour. UEE promotes the value of inclusivity, respect, and cooperation which is the foundation of a strong and cohesive community. It can contribute to a harmonious and supportive community where individuals collaborate, respect each other’s differences and are empathetic towards each other. The philosophy and practice of UEE has the potential to instil values that strengthen the behaviour significant to create positive change.

‘Fostering the next generation to become more self-aware, compassionate, and resilient will enable them to use their knowledge to create a more just, peaceful, safe, and sustainable world.

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